13 crucial marketing assets

Less is more? Not in the B2B marketing world.

While minimalism is great for a zen lifestyle, it won’t cut it when you’re trying to build a robust marketing strategy. After all, you’ve got a lot on your plate – from building a killer email list to creating engaging content, and everything in between.

That’s why you need a toolkit of essential marketing assets. But don’t worry, you don’t need every tool out there. Just focus on the ones that pack a real punch.

So, buckle up! We’re diving into the must-have marketing assets that will set you up for long-term success.

B2B marketing assets

1. Website: Your Digital Storefront

Think of your website as your virtual HQ. It’s where customers come to explore your products and services, get a feel for your brand, and ultimately decide if they want to do business with you. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to get your website designed– and designed well.

A well-crafted website doesn’t just tell your audience who you are and what you do; it shows them. Use animation, infographics, and client testimonials to build trust and engagement. Dive into industry trends and best practices with insightful blog posts. Your website is the cornerstone of your marketing efforts, so make it count by ensuring you’ve included all the right elements of your B2B web design.

2. Email Marketing: Your Direct Line to Customers

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. It’s a direct line to their inbox, allowing you to nurture leads, build relationships, and drive conversions. In fact, a survey by Inc.com reveals that over half of customers preferred companies to contact them via email over any other method.

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted email campaign – it can be the difference between a prospect and a paying customer.  Here are some basic yet important email marketing practices to get started with:

  • Create compelling subject lines and personalized content.
  • Send exclusive offers and updates your customers are looking for.
  • Use a reliable email marketing platform to design professional emails.
  • Personalize your messages to create a stronger connection.
  • Regularly analyze campaign performance to refine your strategy.
  • Remember, consistency is key, so maintain a consistent sending schedule.

Visit our dedicated blog on email marketing to learn more!

3. Content Marketing: Your Expertise Hub

In the B2B world, knowledge is power. Position yourself as an industry leader by creating high-quality content that educates, informs, and engages your audience. Think blog posts, white papers, eBooks, webinars, and even podcasts. The more value you provide, the more trust you’ll build, and the more likely prospects will turn to you when they’re ready to buy.

For example, on a blog you can share your insights, stories, and expertise with the world.  And blogging can drive traffic to your website, improve SEO, and establish you as an industry expert. Plus, it’s a great place to sprinkle in some personality and show that you’re not just another corporate robot.

However, blogging doesn’t just mean churning out lengthy text-heavy articles. Instead, make your blogs look engaging and authentic by using the right imagery and statistics as well. Cover the industry news, trends, and tips with callouts, infographics and other interesting elements to break up the text and improve readability.

4. Social Media: Your Brand’s Megaphone

Social media is a powerful tool for amplifying your brand message and connecting with your audience. Choose the platforms that resonate most with your target market and create a consistent presence. Share your content, engage with followers, and join industry conversations. Remember, social media is a two-way street – it’s about building relationships, not just broadcasting your message.

It’s important to find out where your customers spend their time online. Is it LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook? Even TikTok?!?  LinkedIn is the top choice for B2B social media, with over 900 million professionals using it for networking and finding opportunities. It’s a great place for generating leads, with 80% of B2B social leads coming from LinkedIn. So you need to create the right strategies for LinkedIn marketing.

Although LinkedIn leads the way, X (formerly Twitter) is also a valuable platform for B2B marketers.

It’s a platform for real-time engagement and conversation. Nearly 60% of B2B businesses leverage Twitter for their digital marketing efforts.

The other platforms to consider are YouTube and Instagram. You can prioritize your visual content over these platforms.

5. SEO: Your Visibility Booster

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the magic behind getting your website found on Google and other search engines. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and creating high-quality content, you can improve your search rankings and attract more organic traffic. Remember, the higher you rank, the more eyes on your brand.

SEO is like the mythical beast of marketing. Everyone’s heard of it, but only a few truly understand its power. With the right SEO strategies in place, you can improve the ranking of your website or boost your online presence. Make sure to choose the right keywords and incorporate them into your content. There are many tools to help you with this task, including Ahrefs and SEMrush.

You can use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to simplify the process. These platforms provide invaluable insights into keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization. Or you can reach out to any experienced B2B digital marketer.

Just remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint—patience is key to seeing the result!

6. Lead Magnets: Your Irresistible Lure for Ideal Customers

Imagine dangling a carrot so enticing that your target audience can’t resist nibbling—and sharing their contact information in the process. That’s the power of lead magnets.

Lead magnets are valuable resources you offer for free in exchange for a prospect’s email address or other details. Think of them as the digital equivalent of offering a free sample at a grocery store, except way more professional.

The beauty of lead magnets lies in their ability to attract qualified leads. By tailoring your offers to your ideal customer’s pain points and interests, you’re essentially fishing with the right bait.

Ebooks packed with industry insights, exclusive discounts, free trials of your software, or even access to a webinar filled with actionable tips—the possibilities are endless. For example, you can check out our ebook titled “7 Lead Generation Mistakes B2B Companies Make”.

The key is relevance. Your lead magnet should align perfectly with your audience’s needs and desires, making it a no-brainer for them to sign up. This not only grows your email list but also lays the foundation for a meaningful relationship with potential customers.

Lead magnets are a win-win: you get valuable leads, and your audience gets something they actually want and find useful. It’s a simple yet powerful strategy to turbocharge your B2B marketing efforts.

7. Video: Your B2B Marketing Secret Weapon

In B2B marketing, the million-dollar question is often: How do you showcase the functionality of your product or service and clearly communicate its value to your customers? It’s a challenge that keeps marketers up at night. But what if I told you there’s a dynamic tool that can help you answer that question and, in turn, generate more leads?

Enter video marketing.

Video isn’t just for cat memes and viral dance challenges. It’s a powerful medium that can inject personality into your brand, tell your unique story, and captivate your audience on a visual level. Complex products that might seem daunting in a text-heavy brochure suddenly become crystal clear and memorable in a well-produced video.

Whether it’s a snappy product demo, a behind-the-scenes peek into your company culture, or a compelling customer testimonial, videos grab your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. So dust off that camera, channel your inner Spielberg, and start creating videos that convert!

8. Testimonials and Case Studies: Your Social Proof Powerhouse

Let’s face it: people trust people. A recommendation from a friend, colleague, or even a stranger online often holds more sway than any flashy ad campaign. That’s why customer testimonials are a secret weapon in your B2B marketing arsenal.

Think of testimonials as the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing – they’re like rave reviews from your biggest fans, showcasing your expertise and the value you deliver to clients. These authentic endorsements build trust and credibility, showing potential customers that you’re not just all talk.

But testimonials are just the beginning. Take it a step further with compelling case studies that dive deeper into your success stories. Case studies tell the story of how you solved a client’s problem, highlighting the tangible results you achieved. They offer proof of your capabilities, making it easier for prospects to envision the value you can bring to their own businesses.

Don’t underestimate the power of social proof. By incorporating testimonials and case studies into your marketing strategy, you’re tapping into the psychology of trust and influence. It’s a simple yet incredibly effective way to turn potential customers into loyal brand advocates.

9. Brand Style Guide: Your Visual Identity Blueprint

Pop quiz: What do Stanley Black & Decker’s iconic black and yellow color scheme, Nike’s bold “Just Do It” slogan, and Apple’s sleek product design all have in common? They’re not just random choices; they’re carefully crafted elements of a cohesive brand identity.

To understand this point better, visit the website of Stanley Black & Decker. See how they use their brand colors yellow and black strategically across the website. That’s what brand identity is all about.

And that’s where a brand style guide swoops in to save the day. It’s your brand’s ultimate rulebook, outlining everything from logo usage and color palettes to typography and tone of voice. Think of it as the DNA of your visual identity.

A well-crafted style guide ensures that every piece of marketing collateral you produce – whether it’s a social media post, a printed brochure, or a snazzy presentation – sings the same tune. By adhering to these guidelines, you create a unified and recognizable brand image that resonates with your audience. Consistency builds trust with your audience, and trust builds loyalty.

So, don’t leave your brand identity to chance. Invest in a comprehensive style guide and watch your B2B marketing efforts soar to new heights.

10. Events & Webinars: Your Networking Powerhouse

Effective events and webinars aren’t name tags and boring PowerPoint presentations anymore; they’re your golden ticket to forging genuine connections in the B2B world. Whether you’re orchestrating your own virtual summits or rubbing shoulders with industry titans at conferences, these gatherings are a goldmine for lead generation and relationship building.

But it’s not just about showing up – it’s about showing up strategically. Craft captivating presentations that showcase your expertise and leave a lasting impression. Engage in meaningful conversations, exchange insights, and collect those business cards like they’re going out of style. Follow up with personalized messages to solidify those connections and turn them into potential clients. Remember, people buy from people they know, like, and trust, and events and webinars are your fast track to building that rapport.

11. Sales Collateral: Your Persuasion Arsenal

Sales collateral is the ammunition your sales team needs to win over prospects and seal the deal. It’s more than just glossy brochures and product demos; it’s a carefully curated collection of persuasive tools that showcase your value proposition in a compelling way.

Think of it as your sales team’s secret weapon. A well-crafted case study can illuminate the real-world impact of your solutions, while an informative white paper can establish your thought leadership and build trust with potential clients. Even a simple product sheet, when designed with clarity and visual appeal, can make all the difference in capturing a prospect’s attention.

Keep your collateral up-to-date, visually engaging, and tailored to your target audience. By arming your sales team with these persuasive tools, you’ll empower them to close deals with confidence and turn prospects into loyal customers.

12. CRM: Your Customer Relationship Command Center

Customer relationship management (CRM) isn’t just software; it’s the heart and soul of your marketing and sales operations. It’s the centralized hub where you track leads, manage customer data, and personalize every interaction. Think of it as your customer relationship command center, giving you a 360-degree view of your audience and empowering you to build lasting relationships.

With a CRM, you can nurture leads with targeted email campaigns, track their engagement, and identify the hottest prospects ready for a sales pitch. You can personalize your communication based on their interests and pain points, making them feel valued and understood. And as you gather more data, you can refine your strategies for even better results.

A well-implemented CRM is the glue that binds your marketing and sales teams together, ensuring a seamless customer experience from initial contact to final purchase. By harnessing the power of this versatile tool, you’ll streamline your operations, boost customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive more sales.

13. Analytics: Your B2B Marketing Detective

Last (lucky 13!) but certainly not least, we have analytics – the Sherlock Holmes of your marketing strategy. Analytics are the tools that unlock the secrets of your campaigns, revealing what’s working, what’s falling flat, and where you need to adjust for maximum impact.

Think of it like having a magnifying glass on your marketing efforts. You can dive deep into website traffic, see how users are interacting with your content, and even track the effectiveness of your individual campaigns. This level of insight allows you to make informed decisions based on real data, rather than relying on guesswork.

And the tools available? They’re like having a whole team of detectives at your disposal. Google Analytics provides a comprehensive look at website traffic and user behavior, so you can fine-tune your campaigns for optimal results. Meanwhile, Google Search Console offers a window into your search engine performance, helping you uncover opportunities to boost your visibility and attract more organic traffic.

By regularly diving into the numbers, tracking your performance, and making data-driven decisions, you’ll be able to refine your strategy and ensure that your B2B marketing efforts are always on the right track. It’s like having a compass that guides you towards success, ensuring you’re not just shooting in the dark.


There you have it – 13 marketing assets to supercharge your B2B strategy for the long haul. Remember, marketing isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. So buckle up, enjoy the ride, and keep experimenting. With the right tools and a relentless spirit, your next big marketing win might be just around the corner. Now go out there and make some marketing magic happen!